October 13, 2008

Hospital Consulting,Planning,Desing

Hospital planning

The hospital planning can be divided into Two Categories:
I. Feasibility study for the hospital to be located in a particular area
II. Actual planning of the buildings, equipments etc.,
I. In the feasibility study, we have to analyze the following:
a. The need of the hospital in that location
b. Site conditions
c. Economy of the area where the hospital is going to be located
d. The catchment of the area for the patients to utilize the services
e. Availability of Manpower
f. Financial Resources
a. Need of the Hospital in a particular location: It is better to appoint a
consulting firm, who is specialized in hospital planning to survey the
locality for the feasibility of the hospital. It is better to appoint an outside
expert so that we will not have preconceived opinion about the project. In
the survey, they should examine whether the local community will be able
to use the hospital and whether they can afford for the services given by
the hospital. If the community is wealthy, the hospital should have luxury
otherwise the hospital should have moderate facilities. Also we should
see whether the hospital staff would have facilities for their people such as
schools, good transport and easy accessibility to that area etc.,
b. Site conditions: The selected site should be large enough for future
expansion. It should be suitable for building construction and it should not
be water located area and should be easily accessible from any direction.
It should have bus routes and should be on the main road. The availability
of water supply should be considered and also the disposal of sewage
should be taken care of. If the water table is very high then the disposal of
sewage will be of a problem. Water also should be portable so that the
equipment and pipeline will not be corroded due to salts. The soil
condition of the site should be studied so that the foundation for the
building can be designed economically. Some times, if the soil is clay
then the foundation cost will be very high. In some places, we find that
even if we put borewell upto 400 to 500 ft, there will not be any water,
which will increase the recurring cost for supply of water. Also we should
see whether the Corporation/Panchayat could supply enough quantity of
water since consumability of water in the hospital per bed per day will be
approximately 300 – 400ltr. So buying water from outside will be very
expensive. Also we should see that electrical power supply (3 phase) of
industrial supply would be available in that locality. Other facilities like
telephone, roads, and central sewage should be considered before
selecting the site.
c. Economy of the area where the hospital is going to be located: we
should study the earning capacity of the people in that area so that the
hospital can be designed in a moderate way or luxuries way. Always we
should see that services should be affordable by the local community.
The facility should be available for all categories of people.
d. The catchments of the area for the patients to utilize the services: In
the preliminary survey, we should find out whether the people can use the
services of the institution. We should see the availability of hospitals in
that area so that we can assess the people who are going to utilize the
facilities of the new hospital. Also we should see whether facilities are
available such as quarters etc., for the patients who are coming from little
far away.
e. Availability of Manpower: We should ascertain whether enough
paramedical staff and other personnel like sweepers, watchmen, office
staff etc are available locally. Otherwise it will be very expensive to
appoint people from outside. Also facilities like transport, education
institution and other basic facilities should be available for the staff nearby
the institution.
f. Financial resources: Before starting up the project, we should study the
financial resources available. Mostly the finances for the project to be
done by either banks or other financial institutions such as HUDCO, LIC
etc., we should plan in such a way that will be within our resources so that
the project will not be stopped in the middle. In most of the organizations,
the project will be started without proper planning of finances, which will
delay the project or stop the project. We should budget in such a way that
the pay back period within 7-10 years. Then only the project will be
feasible. In hospitals, the medical equipments are very expensive and
often – new developments will be coming up. Unless the hospital is
moderately equipped, it is very difficult to complete with the neighboring
organization. More time to be spent on planning the preliminary things. In
our country, we spend less time in planning and more time in executive.
By this there will be lot of changes in planning and also more of
remodeling etc., which will cost more money.
III. Actual planning of the buildings, equipment etc.,
After preliminary studies and survey etc., the planning of the building may
be done. We should appoint an architectural firm who is well versed in
hospital designing. We have to prepare a master layout, so that the
positioning of the various buildings can be located in that site. Before
preparing the master plan, an advisory committee should be formed to get
various, information from various department heads. With this information
we can prepare the spaces needed for each department such as
reception, waiting area, registration, examination rooms, treatment rooms,
toilets, space for laboratories, X-ray, Scan etc.,
Hospitals can be divided into corporate hospitals, Government Hospitals
and private clinics. Also it can be divided into general hospital, which will
have all the departments and Specialty Hospital like Eye Hospital, Cancer
Institute, E&T Hospital etc., when we design any hospital, we should get
the information about facilities to be available for the particular department
and also we should see the flow of patients so that the departments can
be positioned accordingly. In the master plan, we should provide space
for future expansion and the facilities should be provided in such a way.
Common facilities like X-ray, lab, scan etc can be provided in a common
area so that all the departments can be easily accessible.
Every specialty has got different types of planning. Some specialties may
have bigger examination room and lot of diagnostic equipment should be
in the examination room. Before planning we should study the
equipments and furniture to be provided for the particular department so
that we can plan the size of the room. Also we have to see what type of
power plugs, computer connection, UPS needed for each department so
that all the things can be planned for each type of room.
According to the economic condition of the patient and demand from the
community, the inpatients room should be designed. In some places, we
should have more luxury rooms whereas in other places we may to need
more common rooms. Facilities should be provided in the hospital for
public such as toilets, wider veranda, cafeteria, medical stores, optical
stores, gift stores etc., The nursing station should be in a central place,
The inpatients area should be very quite. The reception area should have
welcoming atmosphere for the people to come to the hospital.
When we plan for specialty clinics, the requirements should be discussed
with people who are going to use the department and the layout of the
various facilities should be done according to the flow of patients. When
we plan the buildings, we should use the right materials so that the
maintenance cost will not be in increased.
Planning & Co-ordination with other departments
• Land purchase
• Legal Opinion
• Encumbrance certificate – 30 years
• Clearance for the Urban land
• Income Tax clearance – appropriate
• Registration
- Change of use of land (Revenue)
- Name Transfer (Patta)
- Highways permission for approach
- Electricity Board
• Appointment of Architect
• Plan Approval
• Appointment of contractors (Civil, Electrical, Air-conditioning, Sanitary,
Lift etc.,)
• Appointment of Engineers
• Chief Electrical Inspector
• Pollution Control Approval
• Furniture supplies
• Equipment supplies
• Bankers (Financial Institutions)
Planning and Co-ordination with other Departments
Mr. G. Srinivasan, Secretary, Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai
Before we start the construction of the hospital, we have to purchase the required
land for the construction. We have to get legal opinion through a lawyer
regarding the documents of the land. Then the land is to be registered through
Sub Registrar’s Office. We have to get clearance from the Urban Land
Department for the Exemption of the land from the Urban land ceiling. We have
to get Encumbrance certificate for atleast 30 years for the ownership of the land
through Registrar’s Office. We have to get Income Tax clearance if the land
value is more than 5 lakhs and clearance from Appropriate Authority if the value
of the land is more than 20 lakhs in cities.
After the land is registered, we have to apply to the Revenue Department to
change the use of the land ie, from agricultural or industrial to hospital
construction. After registration, the name of the owner should be changed
through revenue department by getting a patta. If the land is on the highways,
we have to get permission from the highways department for providing an
approach from the road to the proposed hospital land. We have to apply to the
electricity board for power supply permission for the construction.
If the size of the project is big and consumes HT power supply, which is more
than 110KVA, we have to apply for HT power supply, for which, the electrical
inspector should certify and then only the Electricity Board will give the power
supply. For HT power supply, we have to provide our own transformer. For
specialized works, such as air-conditioning, sewage treatment plant etc., we
need to have special consultants, so that the work can be done economically.
If finance is to be arranged through banks or from any other financial institutions,
we have to prepare the project report regarding the feasibility of the project. We
have to study about various financial institutions to know the variations in the rate
of interest and to minimize the interest rate for the loans.
Water Supply
The sources for water supply are:
1. Borewell at the site
2. City supply
3. Private
The need of water for the hospitals is very high. The requirements of water
should be calculated considering the patient load, (inpatients and outpatients)
and also the residential area. Normally the water consumption per bed will be
around 300- 400ltrs per day and for residents is about 100-200ltrs per head per
day. Hence we have to calculate the total requirements of water per head per
day to find out the total quantity of water requirements.
The water to be used should be tested for finding out the quality of water and the
salts and other chemical ingredients in the water. This water can be tested to get
the percentage of impurities so that we can have equipments to treat the water to
make it soft. Some times if the water has got salts, which will form scales in the
pipelines and the pipelines will be blocked. We have to provide water-softening
plants to reduce the salts so that the pipelines can be maintained. For operation
theatres, sterilization rooms and laboratories, we have to use good water so that
we can avoid the scaling of the instruments, autoclave etc.,
When the total quantity of water is calculated, we have to design the water tanks
overhead tanks and underground reservoir etc., In one cubic meter we can store
100ltr of water. Normally we should have atleast 2-3 days stock of water should
be stored. For providing water to various places, we have to use pipelines to
different diameters according to the requirements of water in that area. We use
galvanized iron (G.I) pipelines of different pressure capacities ie. A, B, C types of
pipes, which represents the thickness of the pipes.
In some places, they use PVC pipes of Grade 4 KG pressure per sq.cm or 6 KG
pressure per sq.cms. For underground supplies, we can use PVC pipes of
higher diameter. In some of the buildings, the entire interior as well as exterior
pipes, are used by PVC pipes. In some area, when there is difference of
temperature for interior and exterior lines, there may be expansion due to heat.
The joints in PVC lines may leak. When we use G.I pipes in the below ground
level, we have to paint with corrosion resistant paints and some times we use tar
coated gunny to avoid corrosion. Care should be taken to have proper joints to
avoid leakages. The pipes also should be designed according to the discharge
of water. In PVC pipes proper adhesive should used for joining the pipes. The
water lines has to be designed depending upon the horizontal distances of the
pipelines and the vertical heights. Necessary valves should be provided at
different distances so that the maintenance can be done without dismantling all
the pipes. Too many bends and joints should be avoided to reduce the friction.
When we get water supply through city lines, they will provide water meters. If
the water contains sand particles and salt content, the meter does not work
properly. Always it is better to put a filter media before the water meter to avoid
the breakages of the meter. If there is a scarcity of water and if its expensive
then it is better to provide some way of water treatment plant for recycling the
water. The waster water can be treated either by chemical, mechanical or
natural flow system. In some area, the treated water are used for flushing
cisterns, gardens, road cleaning works and other areas where we don’t touch the
water. If possible the rain water can be collected and stored. In operation
theatre and sterilization areas we need soft water for the safety of the
equipments and surgical instruments.
In some area, if we have central airconditioning plants, the condensed water can
be collected from the air handling units, which is equal to distilled water, which
can be collected and used for the O.T. and sterilization rooms
Sanitary Arrangements
In sewage disposal, we have got two types of disposal system. One for the grey
water, which comes from toilets, kitchen area and other one water from
washbasin, bathrooms etc.,
Depending upon the volume of sewage, we have to design the pipes. Usually for
toilets outlets, we use stoneware pipes. Nowadays PVC pipes also used for
sewage disposal. The sewage can be disposed in 3 ways.
1. Leachpit – If it’s a small quantity
2. Septic Tanks
3. Mechanical treatment plant or with the modern developments of central
flow ie., baffled tanks with arobic and anirobic filters.
The capcity of the sewage disposal should be designed according to the quantity
of the sewage. Necessary manholes, gully traps and nahini traps should be used
for avoiding the bad smell in the atmosphere. The manholes are useful to
remove the blocks in the pipelines. Proper filter should be provided so that the
plastic or solid materials can be avoided. In hospitals we find there are lots of
bio-medical waste, tissues, blood, cotton and other bio-medical waste. As per
the government rules, we have to collect all these materials separately in
different colour bins so that this can be disposed according to the rules. In big
hospitals they have to provide their own incinerators to dispose the bio medical
waste. Now as per the government rules to avoid pollution inside the city area,
the government insists to have common incinerators outside the city livings.
Care should be taken in both water supply and sanitary installation at the
construction time itself to avoid maintenance problems. The location of the
pipelines for both water supply and sanity should be provided in such a way that
the maintenance people have easy way to attend the repairs. Necessary air
vents should be provided to avoid air blocks in the pipelines, which may
sometimes blow of the pipelines.
Role of Administrators in Maintenance and Security
Engineering Maintenance:
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Air – conditioning
Carpentry: It is better to employ a carpenter permanently so that maintenance of
furniture, fixing up of doors and windows, changing of small wooden partition and
repairing steel furniture can be done at the site itself. If we don’t do the repairs
then and there then it will be expensive to replace the furniture.
Masonry: Masonry works such as filling of small cracks, stopping of leakages,
plastering can be done if we have a mason with helpers.
Painting: Since the hospital needs a good appearance, we have to paint often.
The painting can be divided into two. Internal and External painting. For external
and internal walls, we use cement based paints than the oil based paints. In
some places we use white wash (lime wash) for ceiling and some fiction in the
walls to avoid painting frequently. Normally once in 5 years the painting should
be done unless its required often.
Nowadays new kinds of paints are available in the market for a longer duration
such as weathershield. We have to calculate the covering capacity of each type
of paint and also the labor charges per sq.mtr for contracting the jobs. In big
hospitals, there will be 3-4 painters will be working continuously so that the
maintenance can be done then and there like painting furniture or walls, which
require immediate painting. For doors and windows the enamel paintings should
be used over the primary coat of painting. In enamel paints, there are varieties,
which are cheaper and expensive paints have longstanding quality. For
ironwork, we can use anticorrosive paints as base and enamel paint as a final
coat. For some good woodwork, people use natural colour polishing such as
lacquer polish etc., For some small furniture French polish which is cheaper
comparing the lacquer polish. The sewage pipes and water line pipes also
maintained by painting with anti – corrosive paints to avoid corrosion etc.,
Flooring: The maintenance of the flooring depends upon the type of floor. If its
mosaic or any natural stone flooring the polishing can be done with a machine to
remove the dirt and also keep the surface smooth. Nowadays the granite
flooring is done in some of the big hospitals. Unless these types of flooring are
kept clean it will be very difficult to repolish the granite. In some flooring we can
use some of chemicals to remove the strains and also we can provide some
types of wax polish once in 3 months to keep the floors clean.
Plumbing and sanitary: In hospitals there will be problems in the waterlines
and sewage lines often we find some solid materials such as cotton, bandage
cloth will block the pipelines. Necessary valves and cleaning door should be
provided in the pipelines so that the maintenance can be done easily. Some
times they use chemicals also to clean the blocks or remove the scales in the
pipelines. In high raise buildings, it is better to have projected slabs in each floor
so that the maintenance can be done easily without scaffolding etc.,
- Lift
- Vehicles
- Theatre Equipment
- Fire protection
- Panel Board
- Transformers
- Generators
- Lights, Fans
- Air- conditioning
- Autoclaves
- Type of securities
- Position of Rooms
- Punching clock
- Close Circuit TV
- Foolproof Controls
- Supervision

Guidelines for Intensive Care Unit Design

The year 1983 marked the expiration of the Hill-Burton Act, a 1947 Federal regulation that provided funding and
oversight for the design and construction of hospitals and other healthcare facilities (1). Since 1983, this oversight has
been carried out by each individual State. In addition, organizations such as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) have independently
developed minimum standards for healthcare institutions. Although the standards set by these non-State agencies are
technically considered non-binding, many governmental and private reimbursement organizations require compliance to
qualify for reimbursement.
The design of intensive care units (ICUs), or the modification of existing units, requires not only a knowledge of
regulatory agency standards, but also the expertise of critical care practitioners who are familiar with the special needs of
this patient population. In 1988, the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) developed guidelines for the design of
ICUs (2). The following is a revised version comprising a consensus opinion that encompasses a review of the medical,
nursing and architectural literature from 1975 to the present as it pertains to ICU design and function, together with the
opinions of experts in the field of critical care medicine and architecture represented by SCCM, AACN and others.
An optimum ICU design is described. Essential and optional components are identified. Periodic revisions of these
guidelines can be expected as the practice of critical care evolves.
The Design Team
ICU design should be approached by a multidisciplinary team consisting of, but not limited to, the ICU medical director,
the ICU nurse manager, the chief architect, hospital administration, and the operating engineering staff (3). The chief
architect must be experienced in hospital space programming and hospital functional planning; the engineers should be
experienced in the design of mechanical and electrical systems for hospitals, especially critical care units. The design
team should be expanded as appropriate by adding members of other hospital departments working with and/or in the
critical care unit, to assure that the design meets its intended function. In addition, environmental engineers, interior
designers, staff nurses, physicians, and patients and families may be asked for comments on how to provide a functional
and user-friendly environment. The developmental team should assess the expected demands on the proposed ICU
based on an evaluation of its sources of patients, admission and discharge criteria, expected rate of occupancy, and
services provided by other area hospitals. The ability to provide specific levels of care must be determined by analyzing
physician resources, staff resources (nursing, respiratory therapy, etc), and the availability of support services
(laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, etc.) (4).
Floor Plan and Design
Overall ICU floor plan and design should be based upon patient admission patterns, staff and visitor traffic patterns, and
the need for support facilities such as nursing stations, storage, clerical space, administrative and educational
requirements, and services that are unique to the individual institution. Eight to twelve beds per unit is considered best
from a functional perspective (3,5,6). Each healthcare facility should consider the need for positive- and negativepressure
isolation rooms within the ICU. This need will depend mainly upon patient population and State Department of
Public Health requirements.
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Each intensive care unit should be a geographically distinct area within the hospital, when possible, with controlled
access. No through traffic to other departments should occur. Supply and professional traffic should be separated from
public/visitor traffic. Location should be chosen so that the unit is adjacent to, or within direct elevator travel to and
from, the Emergency Department, Operating Room, intermediate care units, and Radiology Department (7).
Patient Areas. Patients must be situated so that direct or indirect (e.g. by video monitor) visualization by
healthcare providers is possible at all times. This permits the monitoring of patient status under both routine
and emergency circumstances. The preferred design is to allow a direct line of vision between the patient and
the central nursing station. In ICUs with a modular design, patients should be visible from their respective
nursing substations. Sliding glass doors and partitions facilitate this arrangement, and increase access to the
room in emergency situations.
Signals from patient call systems, alarms from monitoring equipment, and telephones add to the sensory
overload in critical care units (8). Without reducing their importance or sense of urgency, such signals should
be modulated to a level that will alert staff members, yet be rendered less noxious. The International Noise
Council has recommended that noise levels in hospital acute care areas not exceed 45 dB(A) in the daytime, 40
dB(A) in the evening, and 20 dB(A) at night. (The A-weighted decibel scale filters out lower frequency sounds
and more closely represents the range of the human ear) (9). Notably, noise levels in most hospitals are
between 50-70 dB(A) with occasional episodes above this range (10). For these reasons, floor coverings that
absorb sound should be used, keeping infection control, maintenance, and equipment movement needs under
consideration. Walls and ceilings should be constructed of materials with high sound absorption capabilities.
Ceiling soffets and baffels help reduce echoed sounds. Doorways should be offset, rather than being placed in
symmetrically opposed positions, to reduce sound transmission. Counters, partitions, and glass doors are also
effective in reducing noise levels.
Central Station. A central nursing station should provide a comfortable area of sufficient size to
accommodate all necessary staff functions. When an ICU is of a modular design, each nursing substation
should be capable of providing most if not all functions of a central station. There must be adequate overhead
and task lighting, and a wall mounted clock should be present. Adequate space for computer terminals and
printers is essential when automated systems are in use. Patient records should be readily accessible. Adequate
surface space and seating for medical record charting by both physicians and nurses should be provided.
Shelving, file cabinets and other storage for medical record forms must be located so that they are readily
accessible by all personnel requiring their use. Although a secretarial area may be located separately from the
central station, it should be easily accessible as well (7).
X-ray Viewing Area. A separate room or distinct area near each ICU or ICU cluster should be designated for
the viewing and storage of patient radiographs. An illuminated viewing box or carousel of appropriate size
should be present to allow for the simultaneous viewing of serial radiographs. A "bright light" should also be
Work Areas and Storage. Work areas and storage for critical supplies should be located within or
immediately adjacent to each ICU. Alcoves should provide for the storage and rapid retrieval of crash carts
and portable monitor/defibrillators. There should be a separate medication area of at least 50 square feet
containing a refrigerator for pharmaceuticals, a double locking safe for controlled substances, and a sink with
hot and cold running water. Countertops must be provided for medication preparation, and cabinets should be
available for the storage of medications and supplies. If this area is enclosed, a glass wall or walls should be
used to permit visualization of patient and ICU activities during medication preparation, and to permit
monitoring of the area itself from outside to assure that only authorized personnel are within.
Receptionist Area. Each ICU or ICU cluster should have a receptionist area to control visitor access. Ideally,
it should be located so that all visitors must pass by this area before entering. The receptionist should be linked
with the ICU(s) by telephone and/or other intercommunication system. It is desirable to have a visitors'
entrance separate from that used by healthcare professionals. The visitors' entrance should be securable if the
need arises.
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Special Procedures Room. If a special procedures room is desired, it should be located within, or
immediately adjacent to, the ICU. One special procedures room may serve several ICUs in close proximity.
Consideration should be given to ease of access for patients transported from areas outside the ICU. Room
size should be sufficient to accommodate necessary equipment and personnel. Monitoring capabilities,
equipment, support services, and safety considerations must be consistent with those provided in the ICU
proper. Work surfaces and storage areas must be adequate enough to maintain all necessary supplies and
permit the performance of all desired procedures without the need for healthcare personnel to leave the room.
Clean and Dirty Utility Rooms. Clean and dirty utility rooms must be separate rooms that lack
interconnection. They must be adequately temperature controlled, and the air supply from the dirty utility room
must be exhausted. Floors should be covered with materials without seams to facilitate cleaning.
The clean utility room should be used for the storage of all clean and sterile supplies, and may also be used for
the storage of clean linen. Shelving and cabinets for storage must be located high enough off the floor to allow
easy access to the floor underneath for cleaning.
The dirty utility room must contain a clinical sink and a hopper both with hot and cold mixing faucets.
Separate covered containers must be provided for soiled linen and waste materials. There should be designated
mechanisms for the disposal of items contaminated by body substances and fluids. Special containers should
be provided for the disposal of needles and other sharp objects.
Equipment Storage. An area must be provided for the storage and securing of large patient care equipment
items not in active use. Space should be adequate enough to provide easy access, easy location of desired
equipment, and easy retrieval. Grounded electrical outlets should be provided within the storage area in
sufficient numbers to permit recharging of battery operated items.
Nourishment Preparation Area. A patient nourishment preparation area should be identified and equipped
with food preparation surfaces, an ice-making machine, a sink with hot and cold running water, a countertop
stove and/or microwave oven, and a refrigerator. The refrigerator should not be used for the storage of
laboratory specimens. A hand washing facility should be located in or near the area.
Staff Lounge. A staff lounge must be available on or near each ICU or ICU cluster to provide a private,
comfortable, and relaxing environment. Secured locker facilities, showers and toilets should be present. The
area should include comfortable seating and adequate nourishment storage and preparation facilities, including
a refrigerator, a countertop stove and/or microwave oven. The lounge must be linked to the ICU by telephone
or intercommunication system, and emergency cardiac arrest alarms should be audible within.
Conference Room. A conference room should be conveniently located for ICU physician and staff use. This
room must be linked to each relevant ICU by telephone or other intercommunication system, and emergency
cardiac arrest alarms should be audible in the room. The conference room may have multiple purposes
including continuing education, housestaff education, or multidisciplinary patient care conferences. A
conference room is ideal for the storage of medical and nursing reference materials and resources, VCRs, and
computerized interactive and self-paced learning equipment. If the conference room is not large enough for
educational activities, a classroom should also be provided nearby.
Visitors' Lounge/Waiting Room. A visitors' lounge or waiting area should be provided near each ICU or ICU
cluster. Visitor access should be controlled from the receptionist area. One and one-half to two seats per
critical care bed are recommended. Public telephones (preferably with privacy enclosures) and dining facilities
must be available to visitors. Television and/or music should be provided. Public toilet facilities and a
drinking fountain should be located within the lounge area or immediately adjacent. Warm colors, carpeting,
indirect soft lighting, and windows are desirable (11,12). A variety of seating, including upright, lounge, and
reclining chairs, is also desirable. Educational materials and lists of hospital and community-based support and
resource services should be displayed. A separate family consultation room is strongly recommended.
Patient Transportation Routes. Patients transported to and from an ICU should be transported through
Society of Critical Care Medicine
corridors separate from those used by the visiting public. Patient privacy should be preserved and patient
transportation should be rapid and unobstructed. When elevator transport is required, an oversized keyed
elevator, separate from public access, should be provided.
Supply and Service Corridors. A perimeter corridor with easy entrance and exit should be provided for
supplying and servicing each ICU. Removal of soiled items and waste should also be accomplished through
this corridor. This helps to minimize any disruption of patient care activities and minimizes unnecessary noise.
The corridor should be at least 8 feet in width. Doorways, openings, and passages into each ICU must be a
minimum of 36 inches in width to allow easy and unobstructed movement of equipment and supplies. Floor
coverings should be chosen to withstand heavy use and allow heavy wheeled equipment to be moved without
difficulty (13).
Patient Modules
Patient modules should be designed to support all necessary healthcare functions. The JCAHO requires that the floor
space allocated for each bed be sufficient to accommodate all equipment and personnel that might be necessary to meet
patient care needs (14). Each State Department of Public Health should be consulted for specific guidelines related to
square footage per bed, or space required between beds. Ward-type ICUs should allow at least 225 square feet of clear
floor area per bed. ICUs with individual patient modules should allow at least 250 square feet per room (assuming one
patient per room), and provide a minimum width of 15 feet, excluding ancillary spaces (anteroom, toilet, storage).
Isolation rooms should each contain at least 250 square feet of floor space plus an anteroom. Each anteroom should
contain at least 20 square feet to accommodate hand-washing, gowning, and storage. If a toilet is provided, it must be
A cardiac arrest/emergency alarm button must be present at every bedside within the ICU. The alarm should
automatically sound in the hospital telecommunications center, central nursing station, ICU conference room, staff
lounge, and any on-call rooms. The origin of these alarms must be discernable.
Space and surfaces for computer terminals and patient charting should be incorporated into the design of each patient
module as indicated. Storage must be provided for each patient's personal belongings, patient care supplies, linen and
toiletries. Locking drawers and cabinets must be used if syringes and pharmaceuticals are stored at the bedside.
Personal valuables should not be kept in the ICU. Rather, these should be held by Hospital Security until patient
Every effort should be made to provide an environment that minimizes stress to patients and staff. Therefore, design
should consider natural illumination and view. Windows are an important aspect of sensory orientation, and as many
rooms as possible should have windows to reinforce day/night orientation (11). Drapes or shades of fireproof fabric can
make attractive window coverings and serve to absorb sound. Window treatments should be durable and easy to clean,
and a schedule for their cleaning must be established. If drapes or shades are not a viable option, consider the use of
exterior overhangs, louvers, or tinted or reflective glass to control the level of lighting. If windows cannot be provided
in each room, an alternate option is to allow a remote view of an outside window or skylight.
Additional approaches to improving sensory orientation for patients may include the provision of a clock, calendar,
bulletin board, and/or pillow speaker connected to radio and television. Televisions must be out of reach of patients and
operated by remote control. If possible, telephone service should be provided in each room.
Comfort considerations should include methods for establishing privacy for the patient. Shades, blinds, curtains, and
doors should control the patient's contact with his/her surroundings. A supply of portable or folding chairs should be
available to allow for family visits at the bedside. An additional comfort consideration is the choice of color scheme for
the room, which should promote rest and have a calming effect. To provide for visual interest, one or more walls within
patient view may be selected for an accent color, texture, graphic design or picture (12). Advice from environmental
Society of Critical Care Medicine
engineers and designers should be sought to deinstitutionalize patient care areas as much as possible.
Each intensive care unit must have electrical power, water, oxygen, compressed air, vacuum, lighting, and environmental
control systems that support the needs of the patients and critical care team under normal and emergency situations, and
these must meet or exceed regulatory and accreditation agency codes and standards (1,14-17). A utility column (freestanding,
ceiling mounted, or floor mounted) is the preferred source of electrical power, oxygen, compressed air and
vacuum, and should contain the controls for temperature and lighting (3,18-20). When appropriately placed, utility
columns permit easy access to the patient's head to facilitate emergency airway management if needed. If utility
columns are not feasible, utility services may be supplied on the head wall. Note: Technical codes, standards, and
regulations for hospital environmental systems and utilities are subject to constant revision. It is essential to contact
regulatory and accrediting agencies for up-to-date information before ICU designs are finalized.
Electrical Power (21). Electrical service to each ICU should be provided by a separate feeder connected to
the main circuit breaker panel that serves the branch circuits in the ICU. The main panel should also be
connected to an emergency power source that will quickly re-supply power in the event of power interruption.
Each outlet or outlet cluster within an ICU should be serviced by its own circuit breaker in the main panel. It is
critical that the ICU staff have easy access to the main panel in case power must be interrupted for an electrical
Grounded 110 volt electrical outlets with 30 amp circuit breakers should be located within a few feet of each
patient's bed (22). Sixteen outlets per bed are desirable. Outlets at the head of the bed should be placed
approximately 36 inches above the floor to facilitate connection, and to discourage disconnection by pulling
the power cord rather than the plug. Outlets at the sides and foot of the bed should be placed close to the floor
to avoid tripping over electrical cords.
Water Supply. The water supply must be from a certified source, especially if hemodialysis is to be
performed. Zone stop valves must be installed on pipes entering each ICU to allow service to be turned off
should line breaks occur. Hand-washing sinks deep and wide enough to prevent splashing, preferably equipped
with elbow-, knee-, foot-, or sonar-operated faucets, must be available near the entrances to patient modules, or
between every two patients in ward-type units. This is a critical component of general infection control
measures (23). When a toilet is included in a patient module, it should be equipped with bedpan cleaning
equipment, including hot and cold water supplies and a spray head with foot control. In addition, when toilets
are present, environmental control systems must be modified (see below).
Oxygen, Compressed Air and Vacuum. Centrally supplied oxygen and compressed air must be provided at
50 to 55 psi from main and reserve tanks, and installation must follow NFPA standards (24). At least two
oxygen outlets per patient are required. One compressed air outlet per bed is required; two are desirable.
Connections for oxygen and compressed air outlets must occur by keyed plugs to prevent the accidental
interchanging of gases. Audible and visible low and high pressure alarms must be installed both in each ICU
and in hospital engineering. Manual shut-off valves must be located and identified in both areas to permit
interruption of the supplies in case of fire, excessive pressure, or for repair purposes.
At least three vacuum outlets per bed are required. The vacuum system must maintain a vacuum of at least 290
mm Hg at the outlet farthest away from the vacuum pump. Audible and visual alarms must indicate a decrease
in vacuum below 194 mm Hg (25).
Lighting (26). General overhead illumination plus light from the surroundings should be adequate for routine
nursing tasks, including charting, yet create a soft lighting environment for patient comfort. Total luminance
should not exceed 30 foot-candles (fc). It is preferable to place lighting controls on variable-control dimmers
located just outside of the room. This permits changes in lighting at night from outside the room, allowing a
Society of Critical Care Medicine
minimum disruption of sleep during patient observation. Night lighting should not exceed 6.5 fc for
continuous use or 19 fc for short periods.
Separate lighting for emergencies and procedures should be located in the ceiling directly above the patient
and should fully illuminate the patient with at least 150 fc shadow-free.
A patient reading light is desirable, and should be mounted so that it will not interfere with the
operation of the bed or monitoring equipment. The luminance of the reading lamp should not exceed 30
Environmental Control Systems. Suitable and safe air quality must be maintained at all times. A minimum
of six total air changes per room per hour are required, with two air changes per hour composed of outside air.
For rooms having toilets, the required toilet exhaust of 75 cubic feet per minute should be composed of outside
air. Central air-conditioning systems and recirculated air must pass through appropriate filters. Airconditioning
and heating should be provided with an emphasis on patient comfort. For critical care units
having enclosed patient modules, the temperature should be adjustable within each module.
Physiologic Monitoring
Each patient module must have monitoring capabilities that include the analysis and display of one or more
electrocardiographic leads, at least three fluid pressures, and direct or indirect measures of arterial oxygen levels. These
must be displayed both in analog and digital formats by providing visual wave forms and numeric interpretations of rate,
and maximum/minimum and mean values as appropriate. Every monitoring system must have the capability of
recording on paper at least two analog waveforms simultaneously in dual channel format. This need not occur at the
bedside. Alarms should indicate critical values by both audible and visual means. Alarms must be easily audible and
non-defeatable (27).
Bedside monitoring equipment should be located to permit easy access and viewing, and should not interfere with the
visualization of or access to the patient. The bedside nurse and/or monitor technician must be able to observe the
monitored status of each patient at a glance. This goal can be achieved either by a central monitoring station, or by
bedside monitors that permit the observation of more than one patient simultaneously. It should be noted that neither of
these methods are intended to replace bedside observation.
Weight-bearing surfaces that support monitoring equipment should be sturdy enough to withstand high levels of strain
over time. It should be assumed that monitoring equipment will increase in volume over time. Therefore, space and
electrical facilities should be designed accordingly.
Electrocardiogram. One or more electrocardiographic leads should be displayed continuously.
Computerized rate and waveform analysis must, at a minimum, recognize and alarm for asystole, ventricular
tachycardia and fibrillation, and preset maximum/minimum heart rates. Memory functions for operator recall
of arrhythmias are desirable.
Fluid pressures. Monitoring equipment should have the capacity for two or more simultaneous pressure
displays in analog format. In addition, maximum, minimum, and mean values should be displayed digitally.
Alarms should indicate critical values for all three digitally displayed parameters.
Respiratory parameters. Each bedside station must have the capability of providing a continuous measure of
arterial oxygen levels. Pulse oximetry and transcutaneous p02 measurements are presently the preferred
modalities of oxygen monitoring. End-tidal C02 or transcutaneous pC02 measurements may be used for carbon
dioxide monitoring as needed. Respiratory rate monitoring should be available for patients at risk for apnea.
Miscellaneous physiologic parameters. Newer monitoring systems have the ability to record and display
temperature, respiratory rate, ST segment amplitude, non-invasive cardiac output, mixed-venous oxygen
Society of Critical Care Medicine
saturation, continuous EEG, and other physiologic parameters. These parameters may be added to monitoring
capabilities as needed.
Cardiac output and derived variables. The bedside measurement of thermodilution cardiac output, and the
availability of mathematically-derived indices of hemodynamic and respiratory performance, have become
almost universal in ICUs. These are felt by most critical care practitioners to be invaluable tools for patient
management. The capability for providing these functions is strongly encouraged.
Computerized Charting
Computerized patient charting is becoming increasingly popular in ICUs. These systems provide for "paperless" data
management, order entry, and nurse and physician charting. If and when a decision is made to utilize this technology, it
is important to integrate such a system fully with all ICU activities. Bedside terminals facilitate patient management by
permitting nurses and physicians to remain at the bedside during the charting process. To minimize errors, monitored
data can be recorded automatically. In addition, when these systems are properly interfaced with existing hospital data
systems, data retrieval (laboratory results, x-ray reports, etc.) can be performed at the bedside. Remote data transmission
capabilities (to offices, on-call rooms, etc.) are desirable to facilitate continuity in patient management.
Voice Intercommunication Systems
All ICUs should have an intercommunication system that provides voice linkage between the central nursing station,
patient modules, physician on-call rooms, conference rooms, and staff lounge. Supply areas and the visitors'
lounge/waiting room may also be included in the system. When appropriate, linkage to key departments such as blood
bank, pharmacy and clinical laboratories should be included.
Some types of communication, such as personnel tracking and non-emergency calls, may best be accomplished using
visual displays (e.g. numerics or color-coded lights) that eliminate unnecessary noise.
In addition to standard telephone service for each ICU, which should provide hospital-wide and external
communications capabilities, there should be a mechanism for emergency internal and external communications when
normal systems fail (e.g. during power failures).
Satellite Laboratory
All ICUs must have available 24-hour clinical laboratory services (4). When this service cannot be provided by the
central hospital laboratory, a satellite laboratory within or immediately adjacent to the ICU(s) must serve this function.
Satellite facilities must be able to provide minimum chemistry and hematology testing, including arterial blood gas
Physician On-Call Rooms
When in-house physician services are provided on a 24-hour basis, on-call rooms should be available close to the
ICU(s). Toilet and shower facilities should be provided. On-call rooms must be linked to the ICU(s) by telephone
and/or voice intercommunication system. In addition, cardiac arrest/emergency alarms must be audible in these rooms.
Administrative Offices
It is often desirable to have office space available adjacent to the ICU(s) for medical and nursing management and
administrative personnel. These offices should be large enough to permit meetings and consultations with ICU team
members and/or patients' families. Additional office space may be allocated for staff development personnel, clinical
specialists, and social services, as applicable. The ability to place these individuals in close proximity to an ICU may
facilitate an integrated and broad-based team approach to patient management.
Society of Critical Care Medicine
1. Public Health Service Act (Hill-Burton Act), 42 U.S.C., §291.
2. Task Force on Guidelines, Society of Critical Care Medicine. Recommendations for critical care unit design.
Crit Care Med 1988; 16:796-806.
3. Piergeorge AR, Ceserano FL, Casanova DM. Designing the critical care unit: A multidisciplinary approach.
Crit Care Med 1983; 11:541-45.
4. Task Force on Guidelines, Society of Critical Care Medicine. Guidelines for categorization of services for the
critically ill patient. Crit Care Med 1991; 19:279-85.
5. NIH Consensus Development Conference on Critical Care Medicine. As summarized in: Crit Care Med 1983;
6. Stoddard JC. Design, staffing and equipment requirements for an intensive care unit. Int Anesthesiol Clin
1981; 19:77-95.
7. Hudson LD. Design of the intensive care unit from a monitoring point of view. Respir Care 1985; 30:549-59.
8. Grumet GW. Pandemonium in the modern hospital (editorial). N Engl J Med 1993; 328:433-37.
9. Hansell HN. The behavioral effects of noise on man: The patient with "intensive care unit psychosis." Heart
Lung 1984; 13:59-65.
10. Soutar RL, Wilson JA. Does hospital noise disturb patients? Brit Med J 1986; 292:305.
11. Keep PJ. Stimulus deprivation in windowless rooms. Anaesthesia 1977; 32:598-602.
12. Pierman BC (ed). "Color in the Health Care Environment." Proceedings of a special workshop held at the
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, November 16, 1976. U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C., publication #NBS SP-516.
13. Peterson Associates, Architects (Charlotte, NC). Bypass corridor secludes ICU. Hospitals 1982; 56:64-65.
14. The Joint Commission Accreditation Manual for Hospitals, Special Care Units Section. Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Chicago, IL, 1990.
15. Standards for Healthcare Facilities. National Fire Prevention Association, Quincy, MA, 1990.
16. Standard for Medical-Surgical Vacuum Systems in Hospital (pamphlet P-2.1). Compressed Gas Association,
New York, NY, 1961.
17. Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C., §§650 et. seq.
18. Eck H. "Tiger by the Tail." As cited by: Hoyt JW. Complications of design and construction of the intensive
care unit. In: Lumb PD, Bryan-Brown CW (eds). Complications in Critical Care Medicine. Chicago: Year
Book Medical Publishers, 1988, pp. 312-25.
19. Fadler J, Southard M. Exciting opportunity to enhance patient care delivery. Focus Crit Care 1985; 12:11-18.
20. Hoyt JW, Page C, Maffeo CJ. Considerations for ICU bedside design (abstract). Crit Care Med 1983; 11:256.
Society of Critical Care Medicine
21. Standards for Healthcare Facilities. National Fire Prevention Association, Quincy, MA, 1990, sections 3- and 3-
22. Hoyt JW. Complications of design and construction of the intensive care unit. In: Lumb PD, Bryan-Brown
CW (eds). Complications in Critical Care Medicine. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, 1988, pp.
23. Simmons B, Bryant J, Neiman K, et. al. The role of handwashing in prevention of endemic intensive care unit
infections. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1990; 11:589-94.
24. Standards for Healthcare Facilities. National Fire Prevention Association, Quincy, MA, 1990, section 4-
25. Standards for Healthcare Facilities. National Fire Prevention Association, Quincy, MA, 1990, section 4-
26. Kaufman JE (ed). IES Lighting Handbook. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America; New York,
N.Y., 1987, pp. 7-7 through 7-22.
27. "Critical Alarms: Patients at Risk." In: Technology for Critical Care Nurses. ECRI, Plymouth Meeting, PA,
1992, pp.1-5.
Society of Critical Care Medicine
These guidelines, originally published by the Society of Critical Care Medicine in 1988 and presented herein in revised
form, have been reviewed and approved by the Council of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. These guidelines
reflect the official opinion of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and should not be construed to reflect the views of
the specialty boards or any other professional medical or nursing organization.
The Writing Panel who participated in the writing of this consensus document include: Suzanne Wedel, MD, FCCM;
Jonathan Warren, MD, FCCM; Maurene Harvey, RN, MPH, CCRN, FCCM; Melissa Hitchens Biel, RN, MSN; Richard
Dennis, MD, FCCM
We would like to thank the following contributors for their review and expert advice during the preparation of these
guidelines: Dennis M. Greenbaum, MD, FCCM; Marc J. Shapiro, MD, FCCM.
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Tama M. Duffy and Peter Grandine for their architectural expertise in
formulating the 1988 version of these guidelines. Much of that information has been incorporated into this revised
Approved by SCCM Council 2/94 To be reviewed 2/99

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